
Five Linux Desktops That Aren’t Unity or GNOME 3

Between Unity and GNOME 3, at that place seems to be none end to the controversy surrounding Linux desktop environments this class.

Unity, of course, has been raising some eyebrows ever since it debuted in Ubuntu 10.10's Netbook Variation last fall, just the debates really took off when IT became standard in Ubuntu 11.04 Dashing Narwhal originally this year.

GNOME 3, however, has clad to embody just arsenic controversial, and if any grounds were required, none early than the father of Linux himself–Linus Torvalds–recently provided it aside condemnatory the background environment and switching to Xfce instead.

'The Unholy Sight That Is Dwarf 3'

"I have yet to meet anybody WHO likes the unholy mess that is dwarf-3," wrote Torvalds late last month on Google+.

(Image from
(Image from

"Wherefore can't I have shortcuts on my desktop? Why can't I have the discover functionality? Wobbly Windows? Why does anybody sane reckon that it's a good approximation to take up that 'give out to the crazy activities' fare modal value?" Torvalds added. "I accustomed be upset when dwarf developers definite it was 'also complicated' for the user to remap some mouse buttons. In gnome3, the developers have apparently distinct that IT's 'too complicated' to actually suffice actual process your desktop, and have decided to spend a penny IT really annoying to do."

Torvalds' reaction to what he views as the "head up the derriere" behavior in GNOME 3? "I'm using Xfce," he aforesaid. "I think it's a step down from gnome2, but it's a huge step forward from gnome3."

Both Unity and GNOME 3 have their fans, to be sure. But one of the best features of the free and open source Linux OS is that in that location's almost infinite customization possible, so you lav pull round pretty much whatever you want it to be.

If you're superficial for an alternative to unity of these less-than-universally-white-haired desktops, here are a a few key contenders to consider. Some, information technology should be noted, don't just rival but often surpass what's offered by Windows and Mac OSX.

Five Alternatives to Consider

1. KDE

I'll start off with KDE, which historically has been the well-nig obvious and long alternate.

If you run Kubuntu instead of the standard screen background Ubuntu, in fact, KDE is what you're already used to. KDE is also similar in some slipway to Microsoft Windows, so if you've spent much time on a Microsoft system, KDE will probably feel familiar to you too.

KDE and GNOME differ primarily in the fashio they present things on the desktop. Traditionally, GNOME's background has been connected with restraint while KDE's has offered Sir Thomas More options.

With a highly polished front, some believe KDE is the most visually attractive of all the Linux desktops. Besides Kubuntu, OpenSUSE, Mandriva and PCLinuxOS are totally among the distributions that include KDE away default.

2. Xfce

Yes, it appears the Low-resources Xfce background is now the choice of Linus Torvalds himself. Not that it's any inquire, of course. In fact, Xfce is a great unimportant desktop that's victimised by default in Xubuntu, the Ubuntu variant designed for low-spec computers.

Xfce focuses happening using minimal resources while offer very immediate speeds. Xfce is also standard, standards-compliant and reusable, allowing users to weft and take from a number of separately packaged components.

3. Enlightenment

IT may be somewhat less familiar than KDE and Xfce, but Enlightenment offers an superior alternative. Sometimes known likewise as E, Enlightenment serves atomic number 3 the basis for the Bodhi Linux distribution but can also serve as a window manager within GNOME or KDE. The software fanny make up ill-used on anything from mobile phones all the way leading to powerful, multi-core desktops.


A small footprint is broadly a desirable quality in a Linux screen background, and thereon head-on LXDE is a leading challenger.

Short-circuit for Lightweight X11 Screen background Environment, LXDE demands precise few resources and and then is an excellent selection for older computers, in particular. That's not to say information technology's to a fault bare-bones, however; rather, it features an attractive interface, multilanguage support, standard keyboard shortcuts and extra features suchlike tabbed file browsing.

LXDE is featured by default in the Lubuntu variant of Ubuntu as well as Knoppix.

5. Fluxbox

Last not least, Fluxbox is an X window manager that's full-conspicuous just very light on resources and easy to handle. Fluxbox is not as feature article-rich as Dwarf or KDE, just IT's considerably friendlier for blue-spec computing uses.

Linux users who are not happy with their favorite distribution's choice of a background environs can always switch distributions, course. I often recommend Linux Peck for those WHO want to do that.

It's typically not necessary to go bad that far, however. In most cases, you prat keep the Linux distribution you've been using and merely bestow along a different screen background.


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