
Where Do You Look In Camera Phones

A woman holds the new Lg G6 at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain, Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2017.

Unless you lot're a serious lensman, you probably don't carry a digital camera anymore. There's no need: A typical smartphone comes with at least i camera, and lenses are sharper and more dynamic than ever. Even pro photojournalists often turn to their Samsung Galaxy, and unabridged characteristic films have been shot with iPhones.

It's hard to believe only many people, including myself, hardly utilise a smartphone to make phone calls anymore. By the mode, in instance you notwithstanding practise and need to notice someone's cell phone number, click here for five ways to notice a cell phone number online.

Smartphones likewise have an reward that regular cameras don't, that is, apps.

Your phone's camera is a powerful tool, capable of far more regular picture-taking. With the correct apps, your phone can absorb visual information and employ information technology for everyday tasks. Yous can conduct searches, tackle a shopping listing, read a foreign linguistic communication, or solve math problems, all with a lens the size of a marker tip.

What is your photographic camera actually capable of? Here are five unexpected ways to utilise your smartphone photographic camera.

Use a visual search engine

A visitors looks at a Samsung Galaxy S4 at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, on February 24, 2014. Many apps that turn your smartphone camera in to a search engine are available for Android and iPhones.

CamFind is a bit similar a regular Internet search site, except it uses images instead of words. The app is available for both Android and iOS phones. Open up the app, snap a photo, and watch as it runs through keywords that identify what's in the picture. It will and so generate a list of similar images and related search results.

CamFind doesn't always go everything exactly right, but it does take darn good guesses, and sometimes it's dead-on accurate. It will modify the way you think virtually doing Internet searches.

More:Here'south i fashion Google envisions search changing for you lot

More: Be part of the new trend and capture everything you see with amazing 360-degree videos.

Be a power shopper

If you lot don't have the Amazon mobile shopping app, so y'all're missing out on some absurd camera tricks that can make purchasing easier. Click on the photographic camera icon in the app'due south search box to pull up your photographic camera's view. From here, choose which feature you want to access. You can search for products by snapping a photo, scan a barcode, or check and redeem gift cards.

This is cool. You can too employ your camera to scan the shipping characterization on an Amazon box and discover out what's inside without opening it.

The app's augmented-reality stickers feel downright futuristic, enabling you lot to identify digital objects into your surroundings. For example, you can run into how that turntable-shaped cat scratcher would look in your living room. Naturally, you can order those items if you wish. If you're a visual person, this is a fun feature to play with.

Click here for Amazon shopping app and a few others you might not know about.

Komando:9 Amazon Prime perks you lot're probably not using

Find what you're looking for with ease

You lot own an object, just you're non quite sure what it's called. All you know is that information technology looks kind of like an creative person's palette and you use information technology to slice the leaves of kale. Simply how do you search for that, especially on a sprawling site similar eBay?

Don't worry. The eBay app is hither to help. Just open information technology upwardly and expect at the end of the search box for a camera icon. Touch that and cull "image search." This will open up up your smartphone photographic camera. Point it at the particular you're looking for, take a photo, and crop it. The app volition then search for auction listings that match the look of the item in your photo.

How accurate is eBay's image search? It does an admirable job. We tested it out by snapping a picture of a plastic trick figurine, and it returned a list of similar animal figurines. A photo of a metal storage cabinet generated a grouping of similar filing cabinets.

Information technology's a great fashion to search eBay when you're having trouble coming up with the right keywords to describe what you're shopping for. Click here for the links to both the iOS and Android version of the eBay app.

Do math by taking a motion-picture show

A journalist takes a photo of the new model LG G6 by LG after its presentation on the eve of the official start of the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.

Math might non be your potent suit, just you don't take to reach for a calculator every fourth dimension you lot demand to put some numbers together. The Photomath app lets y'all point your camera at an equation and get an answer. It can even show you the steps it took to observe that answer. That'southward a handy feature for students and people looking to meliorate their mathematical skills.

Y'all can employ Photomath for simple subtraction, multiplication, addition, and sectionalisation problems, but it tin besides tackle more complex equations. It tin even read your handwriting so you tin scribble down your math problem and let the app manus you lot the solution.

Related: Only one in 1,000 people can solve this odd math problem. Tin can yous?

Translate languages in real-time

Tourists take a selfie on the terraces above Machu Picchu, the most visited travel destination in Peru.

You're traveling in a foreign country. Possibly you speak a smattering of the local language, or possibly you only know how to say "hello" and "where'south the restroom?" With the Google Translate app, you lot can quickly get your bearings even if you don't speak the language.

The app's extremely nifty instant camera translation feature works in 38 unlike languages. First up the app, tap on the photographic camera icon, and bespeak the lens at what y'all're trying to interpret. It will magically change the text right on the screen.

This is especially handy for street and store signs or menus in restaurants. The app isn't only for Android; y'all tin besides get an iOS version. This can help plough you into a much more confident traveler.

What questions do y'all have? Call my national radio show and click here to find information technology on your local radio station. You can listen to the Kim Komando Bear witness on your phone, tablet or computer. From buying advice to digital life issues, click here for my complimentary podcasts.


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